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The Real Kato
About Me
Frozen Lunches
Daring Fireball
Secret Agent Josephine


Real Kato Web Design

I am a freelance web designer with a good deal of experience in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and PHP. I specialize in custom-designed personal sites with clean, elegant designs. This is not a full-time occupation for me, so I can't accept many clients; however, if you're interested in having me design a site for you, and we can try to work something out.

Real Kato Financial Services

I provide financial planning and debt consolidation services for select clients. Currently I am not accepting any new clients, but if you have any financial questions, feel free to and I'll do my best to answer them.

Real Kato Dating Advisor

I spent decades making every dating mistake possible, in a long and frustrating search for that "special someone". But I finally learned the lessons about how to date successfully, and I'm now married and happier than I've ever been.

If you'd like to benefit from my experience, I can give you self-improvement tips, I can help you improve your on-line dating profile, and I can help you discover exactly what you're looking for! This is a free service for friends and acquaintances.


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