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A Vast Collection Of Topical Commentary
Tuesday, 2005 February 22 - 10:41 pm
There's just TOO MUCH GOING ON to write a bunch of separate posts.

First item: Terri Schiavo. The family of Terri Schiavo was just granted an injunction preventing her husband from disconnecting her feeding tube for one more day. (I've written a little about this before.) Look, people: she's GONE. Really. I'm terribly, terribly sorry, but that's how it is. When will you let go? I mean, if it were you, are you really saying that you would want to be kept alive like that? You'd want to have a machine keeping your body going even when your brain is completely gone? Even though it's costing your family thousands of dollars and preventing your husband from moving on with his life? Come on. LET GO. It's okay; it doesn't make you a bad person. LET GO.

Second item: The Supreme Court upheld Alabama's right to ban SEX TOYS. Geez. Sex toys? This is the biggest problem facing the State of Alabama? You allow everyone and their neighbor the right to own assault rifles, but you take away their sex toys? Somebody remind me to open up a sex toy shop in Columbus, Georgia. It's just over the border.

Third item: Dr. Julie Gerberding, the head of the Center for Disease Control, made a statement that we're in danger of an pandemic of avian flu. Great, that's just what we need: CHICKADEES OF MASS DESTRUCTION. I can just see it now: we'll go to terror alert "orange" because someone in al Qaeda smuggles a parakeet over the border.

Fourth item: Paris Hilton's Blackberry (or cell phone? or PDA? or laptop?) was hacked, and now there's a bunch of celebrity phone numbers out on the internet. There's also a bunch more naked pictures of Paris, some with lesbian kissing going on. (Well, that's what I've heard, anyway. Ahem.) Now, the United States Secret Service and FBI are apparently going around trying to investigate this hacking. Because surely, prank phone calls to Pat O'Brien are waaaay more dangerous than, oh, TERRORISTS.

Fifth item: there was a deadly earthquake in Iran, killing over 400 people. My sympathies go out to the victims. Am I supposed to feel less sympathetic because they're EVIL EVIL BROWN PEOPLE? Eh, Mr. Bush?
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