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American Idol Week 5: Top 9 Again
Tuesday, 2010 April 13 - 9:45 pm
Michael was the bottom vote-getter last week, but was saved by the judges. This week: Elvis. Adam Lambert is the mentor. The cast of "Glee" is in the audience.

Crystal: "Saved." It's an interesting departure for her; a little more up-tempo, a little more gospel-country. She's not quite energetic enough for the song. It's not bad, but not terribly memorable. She should easily still be safe.

Andrew: "Hound Dog." It's kind of a slow doo-wop arrangement, which is interesting, but awfully old-fashioned. He's singing it well enough, but with each week it seems like he's drifting further out of the mainstream. Bottom three.

Tim: "Can't Help Falling In Love." He's a little pitchy and his phrasing is all off. The melody changes don't really work me. It's a sensitive performance and it's an improvement over previous weeks, and the judges love it, but I don't think it's all that great. I wish he'd tried something like the Lick the Tins version from 1985. It's marginal.

Lee: "A Little Less Conversation." The arrangement is a little down-tempo; it's cool. The vocals are a little shouty but he's on key. It sounds current, and it's a likable song. Should be safe for sure.

Aaron: "Blue Suede Shoes." Ugh. This is total karaoke, like filler entertainment during a beauty pageant. Corny and boring. Bottom three.

Siobhan: "Suspicious Minds." Guh, what's with the freakish hair? I love this song and her vocals are okay, but her performance is completely out of whack with the lyrics of the song. I think the arrangement at the end is just weird. She's going downhill, I think. She may be safe just because of her fan base, but her appeal is wearing thin.

Michael: "In the Ghetto." Another great song, and I love the slow arrangement. It's a very emotional and very strong performance; one of his best, I think. He might have pulled it out; I think he'll be safe.

Katie: "Baby What You Want Me to Do." Hmm. I kind of like that she's singing songs with attitude, but it seems a little forced, and a little out of character. The vocals weren't terrific, but I think it'll keep her safe.

Casey: "Lordy Miss Claudie." Odd song choice; I think he would have been better off with something like "Blue Moon Over Kentucky". This is a boring performance, with nasally vocals, and a step back from last week. It's marginal.

Best performance: Lee.

Bottom three: Andrew, Aaron, Siobhan.

Going home: Andrew and Aaron.
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Posted by Ken in: musictelevision


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