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BlogHer 2006: Friday, July 28, Part 2
Wednesday, 2006 August 2 - 11:49 pm
The Day 1 Cocktail Party.

Arriving at the cocktail party on day 1 of BlogHer, I felt a little bit like I did last year... when I didn't see anyone I knew right away, I felt a bit out of place.

I did notice that there seemed to be a lot more men present this year. I guess guys looking to meet smart and pretty women finally started to wise up about BlogHer. But somehow I don't think THIS guy was involved with the conference.

Finally I ran into Jenn and Jenny and Meghan, the mommy-bloggers from last year who made me laugh until I puked. And there were many hugs and squeals of recognition, and it was as if we'd only last seen each other yesterday.

I found two of the three conference organizers, Lisa and Jory. Lisa was kind enough to demonstrate the proper technique for eating the meat on a stick.

Jory was, well, just being her lovely self.

And of course, there was vodka. Oh, was there vodka. We didn't have enough hands to carry the vodka we needed.

Suddenly, I spotted Melissa of Suburban Bliss*! And she looked happy and pretty, the way we always like to picture her.

I actually got to talk to Melissa quite a bit this year, in contrast to last year where it seemed we never had a minute for a conversation. And I talked to Alice and Mrs. Kennedy too, and I was touched that they remembered me from last year, much less spent time talking to me.

Then I found Mindy, who was one of the funniest dang people I met last year, and sure enough, she and Mr. X were still a RIOT. This time he conveniently turned his head as I took the picture, so I don't have to X him out.

As the evening wore on, the mommy-bloggers started putting custom temporary tattoos on as many boobs as they could. Amy stepped up to get hers:

And then I got mine:

Did I mention the vodka?

So in all, day 1 went just great. I ran into so many of my friends, and we had such a good time. And oh yeah, everyone was thrilled that Amy and I were engaged. I have to think that bringing a fiancée gave me some measure of legitimacy there.

We ended up going to bed early, being that we'd had a long day of travel and partying.

Next up: the meat of the conference.

*Don't go to Someone else bought the domain and Melissa no longer writes there.
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Posted by Ken in: bloggerslife


Comment #1 from Phil (Guest)
2006 Aug 3 - 1:14 am : #
Excellent pix. And isn't it so truly nice when people remember you fondly? Always a great feeling.
Comment #2 from olafandy (Guest)
2006 Aug 3 - 9:39 am : #
Dude...the whole tattoo photo thing was going well until I had to see yours being applied... ;)

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