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The Katrina Aid Meme
Friday, 2005 September 2 - 10:10 pm
I've been trying to think of the best way to exploit the power of the blogosphere to help the victims of Hurricane Katrina, and I think I've got an idea. (Updated 14 September 2005, 8:23 AM EDT.)

We bloggers wield a lot of power.

Now, as individuals, our blogs are puny little things that reach a small handful of people. I have perhaps just thirty or forty regular readers. But as a collective, bloggers are a formidable force. We can take an idea and spread it, in a chain reaction, to tens of millions of people. This effect has a particular name, and it's something familiar to a lot of bloggers: it's a meme. It's essentially a self-propagating bit of information.

Often, Internet memes are simple tidbits of entertainment. They're harmless, fun, and social. For example, you might create a list of "five weird things about me", then tag five other people to create the same list. You'll see this kind of thing a lot on personal blogs; authors use them as a way to reveal something about themselves, and to get to know other people better.

But I figured, why not take this concept and turn it into something useful? And thus, I give you the Katrina Aid Meme. Though I've already contributed to disaster relief for Hurricane Katrina, I think this could potentially have a greater impact.

Here's how it works:

- If you create a link to this article ( on your blog or web site, and then enter a comment or a trackback below to let me know where you've done it, I will pledge $5 to the American Red Cross for Katrina relief.

- If you also replicate this meme on your web site, pledging a donation yourself for everyone who links back to your site, then I will pledge an additional $5 towards Katrina relief. Of course, if you decide to do this, you can set whatever monetary amounts and limits you're comfortable with.

I'll do this for each blog that participates, up to a maximum of $250 $500. I'm hoping that with the power of the Internet, I'll be able to hit this target within a week. And I'm hoping that most people choose the replication option, so that this idea gets spread as widely as possible, and we end up raising tens of thousands of dollars.

Come on, folks. Let's show what a powerful force for good we can be.

UPDATE: I've hit my $500 target. Thank you all so much for participating. Feel free to continue linking and keeping the meme alive!

Update 1 and evidence of first $200 donated here.
Update 2 and evidence of remaining $300 donated here.


Known replicant list as of 14 September 2005, 8:23 AM EDT:

Javi (chaodai):
Shawna (uppityliberal):
Anne (awkwardjonas):
John (ohbejuan):
Floria (italyfilez):
Renee (eowyn_wannabe):
Gypsy (sukinova):
Val (vvalkyri):
Chris (nminusone):
Amy (outlawcoon):

Known variants:

Nikki (nikquita):
Rotcknn Ahren:
Emmie (x0_da_emster_0x):

Permalink  140 Comment   Bookmark and Share
Posted by Ken in: bloggerscommentarysite-business


Comment #1 from Melinda (Guest)
2005 Sep 6 - 11:21 am : #
Great idea!
I linked here

Permalink edited by Ken
Comment #2 from Ken (realkato)
2005 Sep 6 - 12:28 pm : #
Thanks for getting the ball rolling, Melinda!
Comment #3 from Speaker (Guest)
2005 Sep 9 - 10:16 am : #
i've linked and already gotten one person to link!
Comment #4 from TheStormCellar (Guest)
2005 Sep 9 - 10:40 am : #
I've linked

Comment #5 from Ken (realkato)
2005 Sep 9 - 10:48 am : #
Thanks, Speaker and TSC.

Also thanks to Jen and Arunthol for their LJ links. That's $25 so far... keep it going!
Comment #6 from Speaker (Guest)
2005 Sep 9 - 11:27 am : #
dude, we will make you broke! ;)
Comment #7 from supertrink (Guest)
2005 Sep 9 - 11:34 am : #
i linked here:
found out about this from speaker, btw!
and... never mind the rest of the post...
Comment #8 from Ken (realkato)
2005 Sep 9 - 1:16 pm : #
Thanks, supertrink. I liked the getting-sloshed story too.
Comment #9 from Javi (Guest)
2005 Sep 9 - 2:10 pm : #

Permalink added by Ken
Comment #10 from olafandyjon (Guest)
2005 Sep 9 - 2:39 pm : #
Alright dude, I got ya linked technically in two places, here
and here, but it's really just different places for the same blog, so I'm only holding you to one link!
Comment #11 from Ken (realkato)
2005 Sep 9 - 2:40 pm : #
Sweet. $45 and counting. Of course, Javi, you're going to pass me within a few minutes, what with all your minions and everything. But that's good for the Katrina victims, so I don't mind.

Thanks, olafandyjon, for playing too.
Comment #12 from Sandra (Guest)
2005 Sep 9 - 2:40 pm : #
I linked here :
Comment #13 from Ken (realkato)
2005 Sep 9 - 2:49 pm : #
Ch-ching! Thanks, Sandra.
Comment #14 from Jessica (Guest)
2005 Sep 9 - 3:19 pm : #
Hi there!

I think this a wonderful thing you are doing. :)

I have you linked here:
Comment #15 from Ja vi (Guest)
2005 Sep 9 - 3:28 pm : #
i don't think we need to worry about circular linking, ken - one per link ought to do it!
Comment #16 from Laura (Guest)
2005 Sep 9 - 3:39 pm : #
I think this is an awesome idea that you are doing!

Does it have to be a livejournal though? I have a piczo site that reaches people that I could use.. ?
Comment #17 from Ken (realkato)
2005 Sep 9 - 3:46 pm : #
Thanks, Jessica. $55 and counting.

Laura, it doesn't have to be a LiveJournal. It can be any blog or website. Thanks!
Comment #18 from lagatta (Guest)
2005 Sep 9 - 3:53 pm : #
Done. You have been linked in the Good Karma Meme community here:

I hope your visitors will consider the other worthy efforts listed in this page.
Comment #19 from Dianne DeSha (Guest)
2005 Sep 9 - 4:07 pm : #
Done! This is great! :) (Found you through Javier
Comment #20 from dreadpiratetait (Guest)
2005 Sep 9 - 4:08 pm : #
I've linked you in my livejournal here:
Comment #21 from Roxanne (Guest)
2005 Sep 9 - 4:08 pm : #
This is a really great thing you're doing, here's your link.
Comment #22 from Ken (realkato)
2005 Sep 9 - 4:15 pm : #
Whoo! Up to $75 now. Thanks lagatta, Dianne, dreadpiratetait, and Roxanne. :)
Comment #23 from Kat (Guest)
2005 Sep 9 - 4:26 pm : #
Thank you, Ken!

My family will forever be in your debt!
Comment #24 from Meta (Guest)
2005 Sep 9 - 4:33 pm : #
I linked to you and Javi...

:) thank you for doing this!
Comment #25 from Sharp (Guest)
2005 Sep 9 - 4:57 pm : #
I've linked to you.

I'm so touched by this. Thank you.
Comment #26 from Tmonkey (Guest)
2005 Sep 9 - 4:58 pm : #
Linked to you on my livejournal. Top post. Not sure how to link directly to a post.

Link edited by Ken
Comment #27 from Kathy Flynn (Guest)
2005 Sep 9 - 5:00 pm : #
Thanks for doing this, I linked you here
Comment #28 from Qforlong (Guest)
2005 Sep 9 - 5:04 pm : #
dere you go!
Comment #29 from Qforlong (Guest)
2005 Sep 9 - 5:05 pm : #

oops... first time I made the link my homepage. my bad.
Comment #30 from Ken (realkato)
2005 Sep 9 - 5:05 pm : #
That's $105 now! Thanks, Kat, Meta, Sharp, Tmonkey, Kathy, and Qforlong.
Comment #31 from lady_schrapnell (Guest)
2005 Sep 9 - 5:07 pm : #
I've linked to you and Javi.

Great idea - best wishes for it from Ireland.
Comment #32 from Morgan Dawn (Guest)
2005 Sep 9 - 5:09 pm : #
I linked to you as well and am asking my friends to consider doing the same:

That makes it around: $115
Comment #33 from Jenna (Guest)
2005 Sep 9 - 5:18 pm : #
I've linked. Good luck. What a lovely idea.
Comment #34 from Javiera (Guest)
2005 Sep 9 - 5:21 pm : #
It has never hurt to help ^^
This is really cool.
Comment #35 from Lalla (Guest)
2005 Sep 9 - 5:24 pm : #
This is totally awesome! just linked you in my LJ! Thank you for doing this! :)
Comment #36 from longcleeve (Guest)
2005 Sep 9 - 5:27 pm : #

you rock
Comment #37 from Jettcat (Guest)
2005 Sep 9 - 5:29 pm : #
LInked and thanks
Comment #38 from Fairy (Guest)
2005 Sep 9 - 6:01 pm : #
Linked you on my lj here:

Thank you for doing this :)
Comment #39 from Ken (realkato)
2005 Sep 9 - 7:06 pm : #
Thanks, Jenna, Javiera, Lalla, longcleeve, Jettcat, and Fairy. Now up to $145 and counting.

I'm upping the limit to $500. Javi has done likewise.
Comment #40 from Raga Dal (Guest)
2005 Sep 9 - 7:29 pm : #
Done. As evidenced here.
Comment #41 from Van Donovan (Guest)
2005 Sep 9 - 7:34 pm : #
You rule. I've linked you:
Comment #42 from Shawna (Guest)
2005 Sep 9 - 7:50 pm : #
Done and replicated:
Comment #43 from Sara (Guest)
2005 Sep 9 - 8:02 pm : #
Thank you so much, i just link your page in my journal
Comment #44 from Princess of Darkness (Guest)
2005 Sep 9 - 8:03 pm : #
Hey there.
Great idea. I linked to you at
Comment #45 from Imaget (Guest)
2005 Sep 9 - 8:10 pm : #
Yay using meme-ing for the power of good.
You are linked at my LJ.
Comment #46 from Anne (Guest)
2005 Sep 9 - 8:24 pm : #
I've linked both you and Javi and have decided to donate for anyone who links to my journal also.

Thanks for starting this!
Comment #47 from Merujo (Guest)
2005 Sep 9 - 8:44 pm : #
What an exceptional idea. Thank you so much!

You, Javier, & Co. are linked here.

With best wishes,

Comment #48 from Cassandra (Guest)
2005 Sep 9 - 10:06 pm : #
Linked at the bottom here:
Comment #49 from Ken (realkato)
2005 Sep 9 - 10:07 pm : #
Thank you, Raga Dal, Van Donovan, Shawna (replicant!), Sara, Princess of Darkness, Imaget, Anne (another replicant!), Merujo, and Cassandra. :) $200 and counting.
Comment #50 from Crouching Hamster (Guest)
2005 Sep 9 - 10:13 pm : #
I linked here:

I hope I did it right!

Thank you for all your help!

Link edited by Ken
Comment #51 from John C (Guest)
2005 Sep 9 - 10:57 pm : #
One link to your meme coming up. and I have continued the donation goodness
Comment #52 from John C (Guest)
2005 Sep 9 - 11:19 pm : #
oh and my link
Comment #53 from Ken (realkato)
2005 Sep 9 - 11:28 pm : #
Thanks, Hamster and John. $215 now.
Comment #54 from Lisa (Guest)
2005 Sep 9 - 11:32 pm : #
Thank you so much for doing this. It is really great and I hope that I was able to convince some other people to help.

My link:
Comment #55 from Cheri (Guest)
2005 Sep 9 - 11:40 pm : #
Just linked you in my LJ! And you guys so ROCK for doing this! I wish that I could donate more, but I have already maxed out what I could afford to give to the Red Cross for now!
Comment #56 from Amy (Guest)
2005 Sep 9 - 11:51 pm : #
This is great! Thank you!
Comment #57 from nagasvoice (Guest)
2005 Sep 10 - 12:05 am : #
Linked--many, many thanks for coming up with the idea. Folks are posting it all over the place. Looks like a lot of folks are also repeating same offering, as here:

I'm here:
Comment #58 from Layla (Guest)
2005 Sep 10 - 12:29 am : #
Linked to you here. Thank you!
Comment #59 from Turner (Guest)
2005 Sep 10 - 1:07 am : #
I linked it on
Comment #60 from Polter-Cow (Guest)
2005 Sep 10 - 1:10 am : #
I have linked you here (you're "these"). You rock for doing this.
Comment #61 from Simon (Guest)
2005 Sep 10 - 1:31 am : #
I've linked you (and the others) on my blog.
Comment #62 from Stacy (Guest)
2005 Sep 10 - 1:44 am : #

Linked to you. This is a really wonderful way to help the victims. Thank you!
Comment #63 from Arabchick (Guest)
2005 Sep 10 - 2:28 am : #

I've linked to this (as well as the others listed).

Thank you so much for your generosity to those affected by the hurricane. It is greatly appreciated by me, as well as those that are in need. Peace.
Comment #64 from Larissa ^..^ (Guest)
2005 Sep 10 - 3:55 am : #
Wonderful idea! I've linked on my livejournal to you and the others. Thanks so much!
Comment #65 from Ila (Guest)
2005 Sep 10 - 7:03 am : #
This is a wonderful idea. I've linked you and the others on my LJ:
Comment #66 from Prima (Guest)
2005 Sep 10 - 7:10 am : #
Linked to you here:
Comment #67 from The Ca t (Guest)
2005 Sep 10 - 8:17 am : #
You're linked.
Comment #68 from ammiegirl (Guest)
2005 Sep 10 - 9:02 am : #
linked to you here:
Comment #69 from Ken (realkato)
2005 Sep 10 - 9:02 am : #
Wow. Thanks, Lisa, Cheri, nagasvoice, Layla, Turner, Polter-Cow, Simon, Stacy, Arabchick, Larissa, Ila, Prima, Cat, and ammiegirl. Now $285 and counting. (And thanks for the recognition, Amy. Got a link for me?)
Comment #70 from Peiyu (Guest)
2005 Sep 10 - 9:36 am : #
I have donated to the cause myself and though I am not doing the exact same meme, I'm matching an additional $1 to every $5 donated, up to a cap of $20 (or more if people are enthusiastic).
Comment #71 from Meredith (Guest)
2005 Sep 10 - 10:19 am : #
I've linked too here
Comment #72 from yasodadeiconti (Guest)
2005 Sep 10 - 11:06 am : #
I've linked as well, here:

Thanks so much for doing this!
Comment #73 from spuk (Guest)
2005 Sep 10 - 11:22 am : #
Linked to you here:
Comment #74 from Megan (Guest)
2005 Sep 10 - 11:46 am : #
Ive linked to

Thanks for doing this
its amazing
Comment #75 from Megan (Guest)
2005 Sep 10 - 11:47 am : #
wow i suck at the internet (above comment)
I linked it to my livejournal

Linked edited by Ken
Comment #76 from Veronica (Guest)
2005 Sep 10 - 11:52 am : #
Posted! I think it awesome what you're doing here, and if I wasn't poor and hadn't already donated, I would be following your example. But keep it up!
Comment #77 from grapeseed (Guest)
2005 Sep 10 - 12:13 pm : #
I linked you here:
Comment #78 from Matrika (Guest)
2005 Sep 10 - 12:19 pm : #
I linked it here:
Comment #79 from Veronica (Guest)
2005 Sep 10 - 12:19 pm : #
I don't expect you to give $5 for every place that I post it, but I just wanted to spread the word, so I thought I'd let you know that I posted it in two other places as well.


And finally, I also posted about it in my Facebook profile. It isn't a blog, but I hope it spreads the word.
Comment #80 from Arabwel (Guest)
2005 Sep 10 - 12:24 pm : #
Linkage here: :)
Comment #81 from Emily (Guest)
2005 Sep 10 - 12:25 pm : #
I linked it at my livejournal here

thank you for your support in the American Red Cross. I think by doing this you will raise alot of money to contribute to a great cause!
my thoughts and prayers are with you and all the hurricane victims,

Link edited by Ken
Comment #82 from Rieddhi (Guest)
2005 Sep 10 - 12:37 pm : #
Linked here.
Comment #83 from vagablonde (Guest)
2005 Sep 10 - 12:47 pm : #
behold the linkage....
Comment #84 from Beth (Guest)
2005 Sep 10 - 12:49 pm : #
This is a wonderful idea. Good for you. I have already given my donation to our redcross locally. It is going to take a lot of recovery. We are still recovering from last year here in Florida. So thank you for keeping it going!
Comment #85 from Floria (Guest)
2005 Sep 10 - 1:01 pm : #
I linked to you on this page

I also pledged to donate $5 to the Humane Society for everyone who leaves a comment in that post.
Comment #86 from Wendy (Guest)
2005 Sep 10 - 1:05 pm : #
I'm linking here:

Thanks for doing this!

Link edited by Ken
Comment #87 from Jen (Guest)
2005 Sep 10 - 4:27 pm : #
I have linked. Thank you.
Comment #88 from buttler (Guest)
2005 Sep 10 - 4:38 pm : #
Comment #89 from Lizzie (Guest)
2005 Sep 10 - 4:41 pm : #
i posted it
i think it is a really good idea
thank you so much
Comment #90 from Danielle (Guest)
2005 Sep 10 - 5:28 pm : #
Linked to this post here:
Comment #91 from Krystalshay (Guest)
2005 Sep 10 - 6:26 pm : #
I have linked to your entry -

What an amazing pledge. Thank you so much.
Comment #92 from Chase (Guest)
2005 Sep 10 - 7:02 pm : #
What a wonderful idea, thanks so much for doing this! I've linked here:
Comment #93 from Leigh (Guest)
2005 Sep 10 - 7:41 pm : #
Linked at It's a great idea, thank you so much.
Comment #94 from Victoria (southerncharmfa) (Guest)
2005 Sep 10 - 7:52 pm : #
Linked at This was an incredible idea!
Comment #95 from Marina (Guest)
2005 Sep 10 - 7:57 pm : #
I think it is really great that you are doing this! Thank you so much!!!
Comment #96 from Kayleigh (Guest)
2005 Sep 10 - 8:09 pm : #
Stellar idea!
Comment #97 from Ken (realkato)
2005 Sep 11 - 12:07 am : #
Man, it's getting hard to keep an accurate tally. $405 now, I think? Just $95 more to max me out! Thanks to all who are participating.
Comment #98 from bugsybee (Guest)
2005 Sep 11 - 3:31 am : #
Hi. I linked you here.

Thanks for this good idea, Ken!
Comment #99 from The Josh (Guest)
2005 Sep 11 - 5:17 am : #

Consider yourself linked.

Link edited by Ken
Comment #100 from David (Guest)
2005 Sep 11 - 5:47 am : #
A neat spin on the Internet meme :) When I start getting paid for work-study I will have to follow in your shoes.

I've linked you:
Comment #101 from dhyana rose (Guest)
2005 Sep 11 - 10:54 am : #
Thanks for offering this help !

I have your link in my latest post ..

Link edited by Ken
Comment #102 from Kletta (Guest)
2005 Sep 11 - 10:59 am : #
Thanks. I've linked you.

Link added by Ken
Comment #103 from benson (Guest)
2005 Sep 11 - 11:55 am : #
I linked in my LJ here

This is a wonderful idea....
Comment #104 from Dimitri (Guest)
2005 Sep 11 - 12:37 pm : #

Thank you for doing this!
Comment #105 from Danizard (Guest)
2005 Sep 11 - 12:47 pm : #
This is such a great idea! I've linked you here.
Comment #106 from Erin (Guest)
2005 Sep 11 - 1:52 pm : #
Wonderful idea
Comment #107 from Ken (realkato)
2005 Sep 11 - 3:00 pm : #
$455 now, and counting! Thanks so much!
Comment #108 from Ameneko (Guest)
2005 Sep 11 - 3:21 pm : #
Linked you!

Comment #109 from Vikki (Guest)
2005 Sep 11 - 4:45 pm : #
Linked...and thank you!!
Comment #110 from Savoy (Guest)
2005 Sep 11 - 6:09 pm : #
Besides a post a LJ I will let friends know in "realife". Thanks for being a stand up person and doing what ya can .... wish I was in a position to do more ....but alas .... those that care, give/do what they can!

Link added by Ken
Comment #111 from miss c (Guest)
2005 Sep 11 - 6:43 pm : #
Excellent, got you linked. :)
Comment #112 from musicalbubbles (Guest)
2005 Sep 11 - 6:45 pm : #
Another link to help the victims. This is a great idea.
Comment #113 from Owen Blacker (Guest)
2005 Sep 11 - 8:02 pm : #
Fantastic idea.
Comment #114 from Bump (Guest)
2005 Sep 12 - 9:24 am : #
What an excellent idea, have linked :)

(ignore rest of entry anyone heh)
Comment #115 from Duane Moody (Guest)
2005 Sep 12 - 1:29 pm : #
I'm on board.
Comment #116 from masarath (Guest)
2005 Sep 12 - 3:27 pm : #
here's my link. great idea
Comment #117 from Jessi (Guest)
2005 Sep 12 - 4:54 pm : #
Its a wonderful thing you are doing!

I linked to this from my LiveJournal:
Comment #118 from Ken (realkato)
2005 Sep 12 - 5:33 pm : #
Okay, I think that's it! That's $500. Go to this page for a brief update. I encourage people to continue spreading the meme, and to visit the other replicant sites listed above. Thanks so much to everyone for participating; it's very encouraging.
Comment #119 from handworn (Guest)
2005 Sep 12 - 7:09 pm : #
Well, I linked it, too; hope it's not too late.

Link added by Ken
Comment #120 from Julie (Guest)
2005 Sep 12 - 9:42 pm : #
I linked you also, but it may be to late.
Comment #121 from Amanda (Guest)
2005 Sep 13 - 1:51 am : #
I linked, now we shall happily add in 5 more bucks! Thank you for this opportunity.

Link edited by Ken
Comment #122 from Amanda (Guest)
2005 Sep 13 - 1:51 am : #
well. let's hope its not too late. my internet's been down for two days!!! i couldnt help it!
Comment #123 from alisse (Guest)
2005 Sep 13 - 4:05 am : #
i hope you're still doing this.
linked and pasted:
Comment #124 from Andrew (Guest)
2005 Sep 13 - 4:34 am : #
i put a link in my facebook profile (if that counts)
Comment #125 from Nematoddity (Guest)
2005 Sep 13 - 6:59 am : #
Well, I'm holding my breath that I'm not going to be deluged with comments, but here you go--you're mentioned and linked here:

Which is my LiveJournal main page, and I'm both offering donations-for-comments and linkbacks (for the same rate as the donations, on my end) to this article. Cheers. And thanks for doing this.
Comment #126 from gypsy (Guest)
2005 Sep 13 - 8:21 am : #
Here's my link, at Live Journal. (and it's all Nematoddity's fault...hee hee!)

This is a great idea and I hope we raise a TON of pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters along with all those dollars and five dollars and so forth.
Comment #127 from Elkor (Guest)
2005 Sep 13 - 9:09 am : #
You've got to be close by now:
Comment #128 from Ken (realkato)
2005 Sep 13 - 9:14 am : #
Yep, I've hit the limit. But do feel free to keep linking to keep the idea spreading. Thanks so much to everyone who is participating. This is really great.
Comment #129 from Renee (Guest)
2005 Sep 13 - 9:28 am : #
Look at what you've started. I'm humbled to be part of the movement. And thanks to Javi, because that's how I found out!
Comment #130 from Ginny (Guest)
2005 Sep 13 - 9:36 am : #
Linked :)
Great idea!!
Comment #131 from Cyd (Guest)
2005 Sep 13 - 9:39 am : #
Okay, so I see you've reached the limit, but:
Comment #132 from Val (Guest)
2005 Sep 13 - 10:43 am : #
I linked and propagated . . . and you've already hit your $500 mark. But . I guess I'll go edit.
Comment #133 from odysseus (Guest)
2005 Sep 13 - 10:46 am : #
Nevertheless, I linked you here:

Link edited by Ken
Comment #134 from Poppy (Guest)
2005 Sep 13 - 3:53 pm : #
Linked here even if you have finished now;)
Comment #135 from Michy (Guest)
2005 Sep 13 - 4:31 pm : #
linked here:
Comment #136 from Rev. Tracy L. Henry-Michaud (a (Guest)
2005 Sep 13 - 8:20 pm : #
I know you reached your goal. But I linked anyway. *g* You're awesome.
Comment #137 from Ken (realkato)
2005 Sep 13 - 9:58 pm : #
Whoo! The meme lives on! Thanks so much for your links, everyone. And thanks especially to the new replicants! :)
Comment #138 from Aud-ness (Guest)
2005 Sep 14 - 5:18 am : #
This is a beautiful thing to do.
Thanks for reaffirming my faith in humanity. I linked from here:
Happy thoughts to ya!

Link edited by Ken
Comment #139 from Nicole (Guest)
2005 Oct 2 - 8:02 pm : #
Linked from here:
Comment #140 from Rosel (Guest)
2005 Oct 3 - 1:07 pm : #
Late but pursuing at:

Comments are closed for this post.

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